Chronic Fatigue and Herbs

Chronic Fatigue and HerbsJoAnn Guest
Feb 15, 2004 01:05 PST

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition that is debilitating with a
variety of symptoms that resemble those of flu or other viral

This is why it is mistaken many times for other disorders. Often
mistaken by some to be a result of infection with the Epstein-Barr
virus, which is a member of the herpes family and the same virus
that causes mononucleosis. There can be many ways to find temporary

Medical specialists consider exercise and stress reduction as
important as nutritional therapy. Chronic fatigue syndrome is not a
lifelong sickness. Many people have recovered well after being sick.

Exercise,stress reduction and good nutrition all have amazing
effects and will help with the ups and downs, with the downs
becoming less severe and less frequent.

Herbs such as Garlic, raw or in tincture form, should be taken twice
daily. Take Echinacea or Astragalus root for its antiviral and
immunity-enhancing properties. Two doses daily.

Newer research suggests that CFS may be partially due to low adrenal
function resulting from different stressors such as mental stress,
physical stress, and even viral illness impacting the normal
communication between the hypothalamus,
pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands.

Licorice root is known to stimulate the adrenal glands and to block
the breakdown of active cortisol in the body. It takes 2.5 grams of
licorice root daily to make a significant improvement in CFS.
While there have been no large clinical trials to test licorice in
patients with CFS, it may be worth a trial of six to eight weeks
using 2–3 grams of licorice root daily.
Adaptogenic herbs may also be useful for CFS patients—they not only
have an immunomodulating effect but also help support the normal
function of the hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenal axis, the hormonal stress system of the body.

These herbs are useful follow-ups to the six to eight weeks of
licorice root and may be used for long-term support of adrenal
function in persons with CFS.

Andrew Pacholyk LMT, MT-BC, CA
Alternative medicine and therapies
for healing mind, body & spirit!
Natural Remedies for Mononucleosis & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
JoAnn Guest
Feb 13, 2004 19:56 PST
Researchers are only beginning to target possible causes of
Mononucelosis and CFS. Many suspect that it is caused by thyroid,
adrenal, liver, or immune system dysfunction. Another theory is that
CFS and mono is caused by a virus similar to the herpes virus, i.e.
Epstein-Barr virus.

Diet can play an important role in CFS and Mono treatment. Patients
often discover that by modifying their diet, they can greatly
improve their symptoms. By choosing organically grown nutrient-rich
foods which are easily digested, patients can begin to take control.

Good dietary choices include:
Organic vegetables, fruits, Legumes, Whole grains, Seeds, Raw Nuts
and cold-water Fish such as Alaskan Salmon. Patients may also find
that certain foods intensify their
symptoms. Foods that require more energy to digest may increase
fatigue in CFS and mono patients.

Some foods that CFS patients may want to avoid include:
Dairy products, Red meat and poultry, Alcohol, Refined Sugar,
Processed foods containing hydrogenated fats, Caffeinated beverages
including regular and diet sodas, coffee (both
caffeinated and decaf, and chocolate.

The most debilitating symptom of CFS is a complete lack of energy.
Some herbs used for energy enhancement may include:



Licorice Root

Dandelion Root



Organic Blackstrap Molasses

In a study at the University of California Department of Medicine,
Echinacea and Astragalus extracts enhanced cellular immune function
in both healthy individuals and patients with depressed immune

Other herbs that are recognized for immune system
enhancement include:

Reishi and Shitake Mushrooms
Leeks, Onions,&


Dietary supplements can provide great relief to individuals
suffering from CFS and Mononucleosis. In a study of fibromyalgia CFS
and Mono, patients reported a significant improvement in symptoms
after taking nutritional supplements. Experts recommend the
following nutritional supplements for these

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant known to support immune
function. Under stressful conditions, the body needs additional
vitamin C to help the immune system function normally.
Vitamin C - promotes healthy adrenal function, which is especially
helpful for women who suffer from stress. In one study of 411
researchers found a clear correlation between fatigue and low levels
of vitamin C.

Magnesium- is important for energy production, protein formation,
and cellular replication. A majority of Americans are deficient in
this mineral.

Iron deficiency can lead to chronic fatigue and anemia.
Spinach, kale, dandelion, beets and asparagus are important food

Vitamin B-complex- consists of 11 B vitamins, including folic acid,
vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.
Vitamin B6 deficiency has been implicated in fatigue and anemia.
Vitamin B12 deficiency is implicated in elevated homocysteine

High levels of homocysteine are believed to contribute to heart
disease, the number one killer in the U.S. Elevated levels of
homocysteine are characteristic of CFS and Mono
patients. Researchers have also discovered that CFS patients have
lower levels of B vitamins than healthy patients.

Vitamin E--an important antioxidant, protects cells against damage
from toxins. It can enhance imune function and has antihistamine

Potassium-- deficiency has been linked to fatigue and muscle
weakness. Potassium may help restore energy in some CFS patients.

Pantothenic Acid helps our body make its own thyroid glandular.
Blackstrap molasses, Brewers Yeast, coconut milk and pineapple are
rich in pantothenic acid.

Stress Reduction:
Most experts agree that stress plays a part in CFS.
Meditation induces relaxation. Try thinking affirmative thoughts.
Visualization may be combined with calming music to reduce stress
Focus on positive imagery.
Yoga can improve circulation and may increase energy
Massage can also improve circulation and reduce stress as well.